In recognition of the need to more effectively manage surface water run– off, the environment agency introduced a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) approach, to water management. Pebbo Paving resin bound paving helps meet the requirements of SUDS, providing a fully permeable surface which prevents the formation of standing water by facilitating rapid drainage.
Planning authorities are increasingly expecting that planning applications will demonstrate how a more sustainable approach to drainage has been incorporated into development proposals. They may also use planning conditions to secure the implementation of SUDS, some authorities having used specific supplementary Planning guidance.
Specifying Pebbo Paving, resin bound paving in any planning application ensures that the proposal demonstrates the implementation of a more sustainable drainage system– whilst at the same time delivering an attractive, durable, and low maintenance surface
For the latest Environment Agency information and guidance, go to
Our high quality permeable surfaces significantly reduce the problems caused by standing water, providing a wide range of safety, comfort and maintenance benefits. The resin bound surfacing simply allows water to drain through quickly and efficiently. For more information about the correct sub-base to use, please contact our technical support team.
Environmental Policy
Pebbo Paving Ltd takes a close and responsible interest in the environment impact of its activities and the projects which it is involved . The company aims to contribute to environment improvements and sustainable development and to minimize any negative environmental impacts.
The key points of the companies strategy to achieve this are :
the company compiles fully with all environmental legislation and approved codes of practice.
Corporately and individually, a range of tasks and processes are undertake to achieve best practice and ensure continual improvement
Waste Storage and disposal
All waste is recycled wherever possible.
Management practices
The company maintains a record of compliance and continually reviews legislation and industry best practice.
Click to download a copy of the company’s environmental policy.